Wednesday, February 24, 2010

winsor & newton

i finally decided to upgrade my current poor man's gouache set by Reeves. $7 for 12 colors. what a deal right? no, not really. i was never able to get some solid opaque colors on the page, no matter how many applications of the same colors. so a few months ago i visited Pearl Paint and asked the gouache master there why i was failing at making my whites white, and my purps purp. he suggested that i get some paints of quality; namely, the ones by winsor & newton. but how could i afford to drop $7 for just 1 tube of paint, with no income?

winsor & newton designers gouache cost me $46 for only...6 tubes of basic colors. painfully small tubes compared to what i'm used to. but i am really happy with the amount of pigment in the paint.

anyway, here's something to look at

1 comment:

  1. In america you get what you pay for, except when it comes to health care coverage. Love what you can do with just that purple wash.
