Thursday, March 18, 2010

freelance whales

i've been a bit preoccupied with helping out the fam., part time, and a small side gig that i should really put more time in. still managed to find time to squeeze in some doodles...


  1. I don't know what to say, pretty dope. I hope you had a book about animals that you referenced. Have you thought about doing murals?

    The faces on both women in the drawings don't have the usual easiness/flow that you posess. The color on the right top page is a little wierd (I like the light pastel thing going on on the left. That little tribal dude is awesome.

  2. yeah, i did look up some pics for animals for the first one. the stiffness in both sketches is due to the fact that i'm still not confident enough sketching with a ballpoint pen. i tend to hold back a little, and the pictures usually turn out not as flow-y. something i'm working on.

    i experimented with some acrylic paint i had from years ago. (top right) and realized i need to water it down a lot more to get the result i'm looking for. i think i'll stick to gouache for now.
